Car News

Newfoundland Man Arrested with $55,000 in Unpaid Fines

If you're going to neglect to pay $55,000 in traffic tickets, you should probably use your turn signals. But then again, if you used your signals, you probably wouldn't have run up such a large tab.

The Canadian Press has reported that the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary arrested a man this weekend who had managed to rack up around $55,000 in unpaid traffic fines. The 44 year old man, who was not identified by police, was caught when an officer saw him make an unsafe lane change and fail to signal. He also didn't have a license plate on the car or, as they would later find out, a valid driver's license in his wallet.

When police tried to pull the driver over, he sped off and crossed two lanes of traffic before being brought to a halt in a parking lot. On top of the existing fines, the driver is charged with operating without insurance, having a suspended license, expired registration, and failing to transfer ownership. The car was impounded and the driver is being held for court.

This isn't the first big fine offender the RNC has stopped recently. Since October they have arrested a 21-year-old man with $16,000 in outstanding fines, a 39-year-old man with $28,000 in fines, and a 31-year-old man with $37,000 in fines. The lesson here is to pay your tickets because they will catch up with you eventually.


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  • If you're going to neglect to pay $55,000 in traffic tickets, you should probably use your turn signals. But then again, if you used your signals, you probably wouldn't have run up such a large tab.

    The Canadian Press has reported that the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary arrested a man this weekend who had managed to rack up around $55,000 in unpaid traffic fines. The 44 year old man, who was not identified by police, was caught when an officer saw him make an unsafe lane change and fail to signal. He also didn't have a license plate on the car or, as they would later find out, a valid driver's license in his wallet.

    When police tried to pull the driver over, he sped off and crossed two lanes of traffic before being brought to a halt in a parking lot. On top of the existing fines, the driver is charged with operating without insurance, having a suspended license, expired registration, and failing to transfer ownership. The car was impounded and the driver is being held for court.

    This isn't the first big fine offender the RNC has stopped recently. Since October they have arrested a 21-year-old man with $16,000 in outstanding fines, a 39-year-old man with $28,000 in fines, and a 31-year-old man with $37,000 in fines. The lesson here is to pay your tickets because they will catch up with you eventually.


    Evan Williams

    Evan Williams

    Evan has been covering cars for close to five years, but has been reading about them since he was 2. He's a certified engineering technologist and a member of AJAC. If it moves and has an engine, Evan's probably interested in it.