Car News

Feds Announce $120 Million For Clean Vehicle Infrastructure

The federal government has just announced a big investment to expand the country's network of electric vehicle charging stations as well as alternative fuel filling stations. It includes funds for more of both along with a new map to help drivers find them.

The $120 million investment was announced by Minister of Natural Resources Jim Carr. It's part of phase two of the government's Green Infrastructure Fund.

The money is to help build more EV chargers, but also fuelling stations for alternative fuels like natural gas and hydrogen. It's also intended to be used to help demonstrate innovative charging technologies and develop new codes and standards for clean vehicles.

“These investments support the ingenuity of Canadian electric vehicle and alternative fuel companies. Green infrastructure is paving the way to a low-carbon future in both commercial and consumer markets,” said Carr.

The phase one investment of $62.5 million last year produced 100 EV chargers, along with funding for 200 more. It also resulted in the opening of seven natural gas filling stations and three hydrogen filling stations.

The government is also developing a map to help Canadians find alternative filling stations and EV charging stations. The government is working with counterparts in the US to add both countries to the map and make it more comprehensive.