Car News

BMW M Festival Makes North American Debut at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park

For Canadians who love classic BMWs – classic cars in general, really – the manufacturer from München is happy to oblige this upcoming weekend (July 13-14), as they’re bringing the M Festival to North America for the first time. It started at the Nürburgring in Germany, and has since made its way to Shanghai and Johannesburg. It’s now on its way to Canadian Tire Motorsport Park (CTMP), about 90 minutes due east of Toronto.

On the surface, it may look like a massive platform for BMW lovers to showcase their wares, but it’s a lot more than that. Attendees will be able to participate in a number of driving events, including a drift course, an off-road course and an autocross course whose goal it is to showcase what BMW calls its cars’ “legendary 50/50 weight distribution”.

There's also a lead-follow track event in the M2, whereby professional instructors lead participants around the Driver Development Track at CTMP. If you’d rather just sit back and enjoy the power of M, professional drivers will also be running hot laps in the BMW M5, to the tune – BMW says – of 260 km/h. There are over a half-dozen driving experiences, as well as live music (featuring Serena Ryder, Felix Cartal, Dear Rouge, and Jane’s Party), as well as a kids’ lounge. 

Of course, if all you want to do is ogle the best BMW has to offer, there’s a show n’ shine at the event as well as a parade lap for BMW owners.

The best part? It’s open to everyone; children 12 years and younger are free, while access for folks 13 years and older ranges from $25-$250; only 21 and older will be permitted to drive, however. Tickets can be purchased online at