Fun Stuff

Volvo Lets Toddler Complete World's Largest Unboxing

Everybody is doing unboxing videos these days. That's when you record yourself opening a new product like an Xbox or new iPhone and put the video on YouTube. No really. It's a popular thing to do. I swear! Volvo Trucks wanted to get in on the action and show off their newest VNL truck.

A big rig comes in a big box, but who better to open it than a little kid? Volvo got a three-year-old truck fan to unbox their newest heavy truck. And not only did they get the enthusiasm that only a three-year-old can muster, they set a Guinness World Record at the same time.

The ad stars Joel Jovine. Like many kids his age, Joel loves trucks. Especially giant ones that are in front of his house. Joel can barely swing open the giant cardboard box, but quickly jumps inside and starts playing with the VNL's features like suspension seat, fridge, and bed.

Then he gets to go for a ride.

Volvo wants you to know that their VNL uses less fuel and is more efficient and comfortable. All we care about is the look on that kid's face.